I find myself easily inspired by different things. These can be an interesting book, a memorable movie, art, a picture on a postcard. Emotionally I am inspired by authentic people who have the courage to be themselves and live life with conviction, and by my children for their resilience and dogged determination, by the inner strength they each possess and their indomitable sense of self-worth. My passion for writing is the desire to inspire, connect and make a difference.

Spiritually, I am inspired by nature. We may associate the concept of ‘wealth’ with financial means, fixed assets and disposable income but man’s true fortune lies in spiritual wealth, the great force that mankind possesses. We need to change our way of thinking if we are to restore equilibrium to the world and in ourselves. I believe that the more challenges we encounter in life, the more we revert to spirituality and the stronger our need for connectedness with all living things becomes. This means investing in nature and readjusting our behaviour.

I am also inspired by expressions of happiness as well as those of sorrow, unforgettable moments and life altering experiences. Attitude, Patience, Change, Initiative and Aspiration are words that inspire me and have led me to where I am today. I think of them as the beginning, the middle and the end of my personal journey.

Through experience and experimentation we find our strengths and by tuning into our inner selves we discover what excites us, scares us, challenges us and inspires us because the core of man’s spirit comes from new experiences. People get to where they are going in different ways – it doesn’t mean they’ve missed the boat and we should do everything we can in the time we have instead of fearing failure. The only real failure is the failure to try, and the measure of success is how we cope with disappointment. Our fate lives in us. We only have to be brave enough to see it.

Throughout my life I have had many experiences, achieved many successes and suffered many  losses too, mainly because I have the tendency to immerse myself fully, often to my own detriment, in whatever my heart desires. Still I search the reason for my being here, my purpose, my mission and I feel ready for that sense of connection. I hold the believe that we are all born with an inner guidance system that tells us when we are on or off purpose simply by the amount of joy we are experiencing. And I toy with the theory that, if our destiny is already decided for us by the time we make our grand entrance into the world, the course of our life is then about choices. Those that are presented to us and those we choose to make. In growing we are able to put those inspirations and visions into perspective, with proposed plans of action, which can lead to achievable goals and tangible rewards.

To accomplish this, we need to know two things – where we are and where we want to get to. The more life is segmented by work, family and our needs for personal expression, the more we need to identify what is truly important. Priorities need to be flexible and they need to be adaptable to changing needs. Our vision needs to include work, career, finances, recreation, health, relationships, personal goals, aspirations and a contribution to something greater than oneself. Don’t be overly concerned how you are going to get ‘there.’ It’s more important to figure out where ‘there’ is because if you are clear on the ‘what’ the ‘how’ will often present itself.

It’s about exponential growth. Growth is a natural evolutionary process and expanding our vision and allowing ourselves the opportunity to be inspired, is growing beyond where we are.